PACHS-GoodIT 2023

ACM 3rd International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good (GoodIT 2023)

6-8 September 2023, Lisbon, Portugal GoodIT2023

Call for Papers

The concept of "social good" exerts a profound influence on society. Social good encompasses benefits that accrue to the public, while simultaneously respecting and reflecting their desires and perspectives. It can be conceptualized as a global effort where citizens unite to leverage the potential of individuals through collective action, aimed at fostering positive societal outcomes. In recent years, there has been a surge of interest in this domain, leading to the exploration of novel approaches and technologies. In modern society the adoption of Cloud Computing technologies and services is increasingly pervasive, and the implications for businesses and consumers alike are far-reaching. Not only does the cloud offer new ways to access computing capacity and data quickly and inexpensively, but it can also boost innovation and put companies on a fast track to leverage disruptive practices and technologies as they are invented and matured. DevOps, the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Edge Computing, and Cryptocurrency — all typically rely on the scalability, efficiency, and ubiquity of the cloud. In many ways, the term cloud has come to mean much more than just cloud technology, per se; rather, it’s redefined how technology is embedded in everything we do and changed the way it’s built and delivered.

In this context, Society5.0 is rising as an umbrella term promoting the integration and cooperation among different stakeholders belonging to different sectors, aiming to balance economic advancement with the resolution of social problems by a system that highly integrates cyberspace and physical space. In Society 5.0, people, things, and systems are all connected in cyberspace and optimal results obtained by intelligent agents are fed back to physical space. This process brings new value to industry and society in ways not previously possible. While desirable, the implementation and cooperation expected from this enhanced Cyber Physical System (CPS) are hindered by the heterogeneity of the adopted technologies varying from data to applications, and networks, resulting in high implementation and integration costs. The PACHS (Platforms And Cooperation for a Human-centric Society) track aims to create a venue for researchers, proposing novel management techniques and data/application spaces for distributed and decentralized environments, including but not limited to new cloud computing models and novel architectures which can support the federation and cooperation among stakeholders, leveraging their complementarities.

Topics of Interest

Original submissions of research papers on a diverse range of topics are sought, particularly those identifying new research directions. The topics of the interest for the conference include, but are not limited to:

  • IoT-Edge-Cloud continuum architectural solutions for cooperation and collaboration
  • Cloud platform federation and management techniques
  • Cloud Computing emerging paradigms facilitating service development and integration
  • Serverless Computing applications to support Society5.0 development
  • Open Data, Data federation, and Data sharing architectures
  • Data as a Service approaches for federated environments
  • Secure data sharing and streaming analytics in federated environments
  • Resource slicing techniques in federated environments
  • Interoperability and integration approaches IoT ecosystems
  • Resource management in heterogeneous and distributed infrastructures
  • Human-centric design approaches for Society 5.0
  • DevOps approaches for decentralized and distributed applications
  • Blockchain solutions for collaboration and cooperation in federated environments
  • Decentralized and Distributed AI for Social Good
  • ...

Submit a Paper

Organizing Committee

Workshop chairs

  • Andrea Sabbioni (University of Bologna, Italy)
  • Antonio Corradi (University of Bologna, Italy)